A New Beginning

A New Beginning

Now that immersion is over, I’ve settled in with my permanent host-family in Hilden (still in the province of North Rhine-Westphalia).  Coincidentally, there are 6 other kids besides me, however 1 is abroad in the USA, so there will be 5 others like my last one!  Their names are Marvin (18-male), Philip (14-male), Yannik (12-male), Saskia (10-female), and Leonie (9-female). 

My new host-sisters and host-cousin.

Regular school will begin on August 30th, and I will attend Dietrich Bonhoeffer Gymnasium.  I live less than 2 miles from the school, so it’s only a 10-minute bike ride!

My pet rabbit, Hermione.My pet rabbit, Felix.            

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