Cyberpunk 2077 infamously had an awful launch, but some recent positive reviews have put the game in a much better position.
At the time of writing, Cyberpunk 2077 is currently sitting at an “overwhelmingly positive” rating for recent reviews. For those that don’t know, that means at least 95% of the most recent 7000 reviews from the last 30 days are positive, a difficult to achieve feat for most Steam games given how… well, how gamers can be sometimes, if you know what I mean. Cyberpunk is still just at “very positive” for all reviews, but there are more than 650,000 of those, so that’ll probably take a while longer to fix. Unsurprisingly, this has meant a lot to CD Projekt Red’s global community director Marcin Momot and associate game director Paweł Sasko.
On Twitter, Momot shared a screencap of the fact that the game has hit 95% positive reviews recently, thanking players profusely for the achievement. Sasko quote tweeted Momot’s post, saying “You can’t imagine how much it means to me. I have never been close to giving up and always believed this could be somehow possible, but never thought I will actually see it. Thank you so much for the second chance chooms.”
As I’m sure many of you will remember, Cyberpunk 2077 had a pretty disastrous launch. It was buggy as hell, to the point that it was pulled from the PlayStation Store on PS4. CD Projekt has since managed to turn the game around, with regular updates, including a whole 2.0 version that drastically changed some of the game’s systems. Alongside this update and the very well received Phantom Liberty DLC, Alex went so far as to say the game had been elevated to the status of a must-play classic, though your own mileage may vary there. Cyberpunk might still have a few reviews to go before it’s completely overwhelmingly positive, but it certainly isn’t in the position it once was.